
Coming To You

Community Outreach

The Goodhue County Historical Society is committed to lifetime learning for people of all ages. In addition to providing programs for adults, we work with county educators, assisting them in making history come alive for students. Many resources are available (at no charge) for teachers and organizations to check out and use in the classroom, including:


History Trunks

Full of fun activities, research information, and hands-on artifacts.


The major populations in Minnesota in the 1880s-1920s were American Indian and European American. What was life like for these two groups of people? How did they impact each other’s lives? Learn about their parallel lives.


A look at the facts and issues surrounding the earliest inhabitants of Goodhue County. What is an archaeologist? What is a dig? What are some of the sites that have been studied in the county? What can be learned from these studies?

Resource Speakers List

A list of resource people who are knowledgeable in specific areas of Goodhue County history. Speakers will act as consultants or speak in classrooms.
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