
Research Library

Your Gateway To Information

The History Center Research Library is accessible by appointment only, Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The library is closed on Saturdays. Appointments need to be made at least 24 hours in advance. This will allow sufficient time for staff to pull research material for your visit and limit interaction during the visit. Currently, only two researchers are allowed at a time in the library. The Research Library is free to use for members and $5 for non-members.

  • Public Access Computers with access to,, Dalby Database, and
  • County censuses on microfilm 1865-1905. Also
  • 1850 Territorial Census (partial)
  • 1870 Red Wing, Featherstone, Hay Creek, Burnside censuses
  • Directories and phone books 1860-present (years vary)
  • Plat books 1877, 1894, 1914-present (years vary)
  • County newspapers on microfilm: Cannon Falls, Goodhue, Kenyon, Pine Island, Wanamingo, Red Wing, Zumbrota. (years vary)
  • We can check for obituaries if you can supply the complete death date. Obituaries are $10.
  • Military information with partial listings of Goodhue County veterans
  • Subject and Biography files. Topics and names vary.
  • Red Wing First Lutheran Church records on microfilm 1855-1997
  • Sanborn Fire Insurance maps 1884-1951 for Red Wing, Cannon Falls, Zumbrota, White Rock, Pine Island, Dennison, Goodhue, Kenyon, Skyberg, Burnside, Frontenac, Wanamingo, Stanton, and Welch (years vary). Also available on the Library of Congress Website

Click here for Church Listings.

Research Requests

Research requests will be accepted by mail, online and e-mail. Research is limited to Goodhue County only. Research time is charged at $25.00 minimum up to one hour and $20.00 per hour or $10.00 per half hour after the minimum. Obituary requests are $10 each.

Sending a research request? Please include full names, dates, townships, etc. If sending a request by mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

GCHS does not have birth, death, marriage, or land records. These are kept at the Recorders Office at the old courthouse in Red Wing. They can be reached at 651-385-3000. GCHS also has a very limited amount of genealogical information.

Send A Research Request Now

Research requests will be accepted by mail, online and e-mail. Research is limited to Goodhue County only. Research time is charged at the rate of $$25.00 minimum up to one hour and then $18.00 per hour or $9.00 per half hour after the minimum, plus copy and postage charges. Obituary requests are $10 each. GENEALOGY RESEARCH IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO VISIT THE HISTORY CENTER.

Please include full names, dates, townships, etc. If sending a request by mail, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you are e-mailing, please give us a regular mailing address too so we can send out copies of pertinent information.

GCHS does not have birth, death, marriage or land records. These are kept at the Recorders Office at the courthouse in Red Wing. They can be reached at 651-385-3000.

Complete the form below and we will contact you regarding your request.

Research Request

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